Podcasts and Audiobooks

Let people search your podcast playlist

Digital audio strategy will be one of the most powerful options to amplify your company’s brand, share intimate insights and stories about your company, processes, and values to reach a new audience, grow your current audience, create a new avenue for your clients and employees to consume your content. Podcasting combines the freedom of blogging with digital audio technology to create an almost endless supply of content.

Everyone loves stories. We all find stories interesting, highly persuasive and are so impactful. Behavioral scientists refer it as “narrative paradigm”, which describes how the brain organizes information into stories, they state that people interpret experience and comprehend life as a series of ongoing narratives (as conflicts, characters, beginnings, middles and ends). Stories the brain creates are highly influential and determine how it responds to people and situations which provoke strong emotional responses that will often cause the brain to release dopamine, a chemical that improves memory and the retention rate of stories are elevated. When you tell stories, your people are not just listening, they are recreating the story in their minds

Podcasting is the perfect medium to tell stories and allows on-demand listening. Podcasts can be consumed anywhere, accessed from many apps and the majority of podcast listening happens on a mobile device .Podcast listeners are growing as millennials and Gen Z prefer to listen to audio than watching videos or reading texts. Listeners can consume podcasts when it is connected to the internet, downloaded on demand or automatically for offline.

With so many benefits and opportunities, now is the time to embrace and experiment with digital audio strategy and it’s up to you to participate in the new beginning. We are here to partner with you through this journey.

Support Portability of code
Improve access to dynamic online content
Integration with mobile device
Cost effective development environment
Loyal and engaged listener base
Close Affinity with brand
On-demanding Listening
Engaging contents to consume
Intended outcome analysis
Material outcome
Sonic sound design
Post Production
Increase in Brand awareness
Increase in Brand Recall
More purchase intent



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